Character Formation is a TEAM Effort. This course covers four elements to help develop one’s character. Through the work of the Holy Spirit, character formation can be taught and learned. We can help develop our character through teaching, example, action and ministry.

Start Date: Start any time
Duration: Complete within 12 months
Skill Level: Beginner

This micro-credential course is structured to introduce students to the main approaches to ethics. It explains why we do ethics, and that all ethics reflect some theological foundations. How Christian ethics is distinctive from other common ethical theories. This will help students choose well and live well.

Start Date: Start any time
Duration: Complete within 12 months
Skill Level: Beginner

A global pandemic created a moment in time where communicators in every arena had to learn how to communicate in a new world. This micro-credential provides honest and at times confronting examples of the imperative to learn how to communicate more effectively by being audience-focused and authentic story-tellers that communicate with an uncluttered soul.

Start Date: Start any time
Duration: Complete within 12 months
Skill Level: Beginner

This Micro-Credential will help the learner to understand how leaders can enact organisational change. In four lectures we will cover four topics that relate to Leading Change. We will look at:

  1. The Need for Change
  2. The Change Process
  3. Why People Resist Change, and
  4. How to Overcome Resistance to Change

Start Date: Start any time
Duration: Complete within 12 months
Skill Level: Intermediate

In order to help you successfully navigate your next crisis this micro-credential will define what a crisis is and then provide learning on how to lead before a crisis, during a crisis, and after a crisis.

Start Date: Start any time
Duration: Complete within 12 months
Skill Level: Intermediate

This micro-credential on “Understanding Revelation has generated more heat than light for many people. The opening verse tells it all: ‘A Revelation of Jesus Christ…’. During this course, you will discover a breathtaking vision of Jesus in ways you have never encountered before.

To better read and understand Revelation, the course will look at:

Where do I begin?

What am I looking for?

When did this all start?

A fitting conclusion: yet shocking implications.

This course will teach you how to live in anticipation of a ‘brand new world coming!’

Start Date: Start any time
Duration: Complete within 12 months
Skill Level: Intermediate